Saturday, March 7, 2009

Winter Walk 2

A walk on the beach. I don't want to sound too hopeful but it was actually warm this morning. maybe.....


  1. Ok, John, just rub it in! Something about beaches and warm when it is still freezing here....! LOL Beautiful image, leads me to Hopeful thinking!!

  2. I can think of nothing more fulfilling than a walk along the beach with the dog(s) ranging free, cause if they love you they will come the instant you call. Great Pictorial story.

  3. The warm weather was teasing several of us today. Your photo is very calming - a nice image!

  4. It hit around 60 degrees here on LI yesterday and today. That's the first place I go to in the spring.

  5. Its been near 80 here in VA, crazy weather. THe beach looks nice and relaxing.
